How Sheffield and the BFAWU are leading the fight to organise young workers
Never underestimate what resolve strength and character working-class people can muster when they are staring adversity in the face, writes RONNIE DRAPER UNITY IS STRENGTH: (Above) Jess Bower (centre)...
Latest NewsHowever you do it Let’s talk about Mental Ill Health
RESOURCES: STRESS AND MENTAL ILL HEALTH IN THE WORKPLACE Challenging stress Work related stress and mental ill health are major work safety and health issues. These resources, produced by Hazards Campaign, are...
Latest NewsHowever you do it Let’s talk about Mental ill health
Time to Talk Campaign The Time to Talk Campaign is aiming to raise the issue of mental ill health at your workplace. We need to encourage employers and employees...
Latest NewsBFAWU announces launch of Sexual Harassment campaign and supported by our sisters from Women against rape.
Has the #MeToo movement helped workers in the fast food and hospitalityindustry to speak out about sexual violence at work and win protection?Women Against Rape reports.Sexual violence in the...
Latest NewsSpoonstrikers Receive Bumper Pay Rise
Photo Credit: Raid Studios: Ajit Dutta Wetherspoons workers in Brighton pubs are celebrating a bumper pay rise following their historic first strike in October . In addition to the...
Latest NewsBFAWU Renews contract with provider of financial advice to members
The Bakers Foods & Allied Workers Union has renewed the contract with The Lighthouse Group as their preferred provider of expert financial advice to its members. This includes advice...
Latest NewsWomen on hunger strike in Yarl’s Wood – “Release us and close this place down.”
Women on hunger strike in Yarl’s Wood – “Release us and close this place down.” Over 40 women in Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre have gone on hunger strike...
Latest NewsVacancy for Region 5 Organising Regional Secretary
Under Rule 17.1, Branches in Region 5 are being asked to nominate candidates for the position of Organising Regional Secretary in the Region, to take up office on the 1st of...
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