Celebrating Women in the BFAWU
Jean Haynes Branch 390

I joined the BFAWU over 30 years ago and attended lots of meetings. In my first few years Branch Secretaries, Branch Presidents and reps often changed but nothing seemed to change in our workplace for the better of us workers so I stopped attending.
When Sarah was elected as our first ever female General Secretary I was inspired to attend meetings again and saw that things could change with the right people at the helm.
I knew that there was only 1 other woman on our Branch comnittee and thought that, for a fairer representation, I needed to put myself out there and started to attend all of the quarterly meetings. It was here that I was asked to become a shop steward and jumped at the chance hoping that I could at least make some small difference for my colleagues and their working conditions.
With the understanding and compassion that, I believe, us ladies offer better than anyone else, I knew that I could do a good job. I have gained respect from my fellow workers for the input that I have in improving my department. It’s very rare that I hear that “the union does nothing, it’s a waste of time” as I can demonstrate how the BFAWU is actually improving their working lives and how essential it is to participate. I hope that I can inspire other women to get onboard and become a workplace rep to make our departments the best they can be and provide a safer and happier environment for us all.