Celebrating Women in the BFAWU
Penny Grimsditch Branch 568

Why I joined the union?
My name is Penny, and I work at FBC Fox’s biscuits in Batley. I first became a union member 30 odd years age when I first started working at Batley. The main reason I joined was because I came from a background of union members, my dad worked on the railway and instilled in us from an early age that the union were there to protect our rights and look after us.
I later left the union when I became a single mother, and every penny was needed to feed my children and put a roof over their heads.
Once things had settled down and money wasn’t as tight, I rejoined the union, coasting along for several years. Then a colleague asked me to accompany her into the office. In I went, where I stood up to a manager who was asking my friend to train another person when she didn’t feel confident enough to train anyone.
I walked out of the office feeling like I had won a trophy, never mind an argument.
Then I heard there was to be a new Branch Secretary, so off I went and introduced myself to him. I asked if he needed any shop stewards, and he said yes. I did my first shop steward’s course 5 days after my honeymoon, moths later I attended stage 2 shop steward’s course.
Fast forward 6 and a half years and I find myself in the roll of Branch Secretary, still, I hope, with my Fathers belief that the union is there to support and protect its members in the workplace
Penny Grimsditch Branch Secretary @Branch 568 Batley