Developing Workplace Learners

Northern College Wentworth Castle, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Developing Adult Learning The purpose of this course is to empower students to understand the role of the education volunteer and be able to identify people’s issues and get them involved in education and training.  This course is for people who have some experience in helping others access education. The course will cover a number […]

Black, Minority, Asian & Ethnic Leaders

Northern College Wentworth Castle, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Black, Minority, Asian and Ethnic leaders This course will explore roles within leadership, specifically for people from the BAME community.  The challenges that are faced as well as the support networks available as well as helping to build the confidence to embrace leadership within their own contexts. Most importantly, the course will offer guidance as […]

Health &Safety Reps 1 Course

Northern College Wentworth Castle, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

GFTU Health & Safety Stewards Stage 1 This course is aimed at health and safety stewards who want to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence in the area of health and safety. The course will include: The Role and Functions of the Health and Safety Rep   Health and Safety Committee Meetings   The Safety […]

Shop Stewards Stage 1 Course

Northern College Wentworth Castle, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

GFTU Shop Stewards Stage one This course is recommended for workplace shop stewards who are new to the role or those that want to refresh their skills and confidence in representing members. The course will include the following - The skills a shop steward needs The role of a shop steward Your rights as a […]

Health & Safety Reps 1 Course

Northern College Wentworth Castle, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

GFTU Health & Safety Stewards Stage 1 This course is aimed at health and safety stewards who want to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence in the area of health and safety. The course will include: The Role and Functions of the Health and Safety Rep   Health and Safety Committee Meetings   The Safety […]

Shop Stewards Stage 2 Course

Northern College Wentworth Castle, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

GFTU Shop Stewards Stage Two This course is recommended for workplace shop stewards who understand the basic elements of their role and their rights and who want to further develop their skills and confidence in representing members. The course will include: Understand a range of problems that affect members   Collect and present information in […]