Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Please complete this statement if you:

1. Have been diagnosed as suffering from COVID-19 as a result of your current or past employment; or

2. Believe you have suffered from COVID-19 as a result of your current or past employment; or

3. Worked with colleague(s) who have suffered from COVID-19 as a result of their employment

4. This form can also be used in the tragic circumstances where a BFAWU member has died as a result of suffering from COVID-19 as a result of their current or past employment. Please complete the form as best you can. We understand you may not be able to answer all the questions. As a minimum please ensure your contact details are entered for questions 1-5 and in question 6 insert the deceased member’s name and membership number – someone from Thompsons Solicitors will then get back in touch with you.

Resources for Reps

Factories, plants and warehouses – Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance – GOV.UK (

Coronavirus – Help for union reps | TUC

COVID – 19 TUC guidance for unions Jan 2021

IUF safe return to work during COVID – 19 demands: Catering

IUF COVID – 19 demands: Fast Food

IUF COVID-19 demands: Equality

IUF young workers committee H&S during COVID-19 infographic

Food processing trends during COVID-19

Young Workers most at risk of job losses due to the Coronavirus Crisis

Workers Experience of Long Covid

Hazards leaflet on COVID-19 controlling risks in the workplace