Members Get Windfall Tax Refunds!

59 year old Greggs employee and BFAWU member, Tom Johnson (named changed for confidentiality), registered recently  received a large tax refund after taking advantage of the specialist tax review the BFAWU has offered members for more than 10 years via leading employment tax specialists, The Tax Refund Company.

Thomas registered for his review in April 2024, following receipt of an email from the BFAWU explaining how members are entitled to a tax review and how hundreds of members have received refunds after using the service.

Following a detailed assessment of his last 4 years tax affairs, it became apparent Tom had missed out on a work-related tax relief he was entitled to use and The Tax Refund Company subsequently submitted a file to HMRC requesting they amend Toms records and recalculate how much tax he should have paid.

On updating Tom’s records, HMRC noticed that they actually  owed Tom £1,233 from 2018/19 and 2019/20, both years that would ordinarily be outside of the deadline for being refunded. Unfortunately, as they did not have an address on file for Tom at the time this became due, they had never sent him the refund. Although HMRC had subsequently been given an address in the following years, HMRC  had never issued the refund. However, the file submitted by The Tax Refund Company resulted in HMRC identifying their error and, together with a refund of £492 for tax overpaid in the past 4 years, HMRC refunded Tom a total of £1725. Although a unique case, Tom would never have received this money had he not appointed a tax specialist to review his tax.

Like Tom, 48 year old Morrisons Factory Worker and BFAWU member, Steve Ward (name changed for confidentiality), also asked The Tax Refund Company to review his tax in April 2024. On completion of his review, their tax experts were able to identify that Steve had been missing out on work related tax reliefs for the past 4 years and had been eligible to take advantage of some extra tax relief as a result of his wife’s low income. Following submission of a file by The Tax Refund Company, Steve has now received a total of £838 from HMRC and will be paying less tax this year and in future years.

Although these are exception cases, it goes to show that letting an expert check your tax can have some surprising results.

To start a tax review with The Tax Refund Company, visit *

*The review is free. Where you recover money from HMRC as a result of the review there is a fee of 31.67%+vat of the amount recovered, subject to a minimum fee of £31.67+vat. No fee is payable on money recovered from HMRC for the current tax year. If you get an unexpected tax bill as a direct result of completing a review, it will be paid for you. (T&Cs apply)