
Tips for teaching children about money: building the foundation for financial success
March 2025 PayPlan Blog #2 Helping children learn about money is one of the most valuable life skills you can give them. Understanding how to manage money from an...
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£6bn Cuts, Unsafe Workplaces, and a Mental Health Crisis: Why Government Policy is Failing Disabled Workers
A blog from our National President Ian Hodson The UK government’s announcement of £6 billion in welfare cuts to push disabled people back into work is being framed as...
Latest NewsCelebrating Women in the BFAWU
Patrycja Grabowska Hi, my name is Patrycja Grabowska and I have been a member of the BFAWU for several years and a combined Shop Steward and Health and Safety...
Latest NewsCelebrating Women in the BFAWU
Adrianna Kara Branch 331 I proudly represent the BFAWU trade union to ensure that workers’ rights are respected and those who fought for these rights in the past are...
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Keep on top of your pensions – find your missing pension pots
March 2025 PayPlan Blog With the availability of private pensions, along with workplace pensions, it can be hard to keep track of the pensions in your name, especially if...
Latest NewsCelebrating Women in the BFAWU
Helena England Branch 560 My name is Helena England l was an employee at Fox’s Biscuits Batley west Yorkshire. I did not know much about unions at the time...
Latest NewsCelebrating Women in the BFAWU
Penny Grimsditch Branch 568 Why I joined the union?My name is Penny, and I work at FBC Fox’s biscuits in Batley. I first became a union member 30 odd...
Latest NewsCelebrating Women in the BFAWU
Jean Haynes Branch 390 I joined the BFAWU over 30 years ago and attended lots of meetings. In my first few years Branch Secretaries, Branch Presidents and reps often...
Latest NewsCelebrating Women in the BFAWU
Vicky Bassett Branch 253 I became a BFAWU rep because I have a strong commitment to workplace safety, fairness, and ensuring that everyone has a voice. My passion for...
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Celebrating Women in the BFAWU
Throughout March, Women’s history Month, we will be celebrating the fantastic women we have in the BFAWU. 34% of our membership identifies as female, this number has dropped in...
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