EFFAT Stands With Fast-Food Workers!
12 November 2019PRESS RELEASE EFFAT stands with fast food workers striking for fair wages & decent conditions Tuesday 12 November 2019 marks an international day of action for fast...
Latest NewsSolidarity action Earth Strike 20th of September
At our Conference in June, delegates passed a motion to support the call for a General Strike for Climate. All BFAWU workplaces are encouraged to support the day of action...
Latest NewsBFAWU Statement on Labour Commitment to Tackle Workplace Heat
The BFAWU welcomes today’s announcement by the Labour Party on tackling heat in the workplace. For many years, our Union has been at the forefront and has indeed made...
Latest NewsBFAWU Statement on Brexit
On July 8th 2019, a number of Labour Party affiliated Trade Unions outlined their position on Brexit, so we would like to take this opportunity to clarify ours. Although...
Latest NewsAnnual Conference Motions Passed
Please click here to read all the motions passed at BFAWU Annual Conference 2019.
Latest NewsSupport the Climate Strike!
The BFAWU urges its members to get involved, if you want a planet fit for your children and Grandchildren we need to take action now. The last few months...
Latest News