Watkins and Gunn

Watkins & Gunn has represented the interests of Bakers Union Members for over 30 years.

Your #ProblemSolved
We have a close relationship with the Union, it’s members and families and, as a result, have developed a real understanding of the issues and problems faced by workers in the food industry sector.
We have also earned the trust and respect of Bakers Union members in that time, many of whom go on to refer us to family and friends – regardless of whether they work in the food industry or not!
Our legal teams, containing specialists and award-winning lawyers, are all available to support members of the Bakers Union. They can help deal with accident claims and employment problems. We have succeeded in recovering thousands of pounds in compensation for hundreds of Union members.
We have a very high success rate and unlike the many accident claim companies that you may see on the television, there are no hidden charges – Union members receive 100% of their compensation. Members will receive free, expert legal advice from our friendly and approachable team with a real understanding of the food industry process.
It is not just accident at work and employment problems that we deal with for Union Members, we offer a full range of legal support –
We offer BFAWU Members:
- Accident Claims – Free advice and support. Members keep 100% of their compensation
- A free 30 minute consultation on any legal matter
- Wills – A free simple Will for members and their partners
- Moving Home – fixed preferential rates for Conveyancing
- Substantially reduced legal fees for any legal matter that we deal with
During the pandemic we have been contacted by many people wanting to make a Will. We have developed a quick and easy method for members to make a Will in 5 easy steps. Watch this short video –https://player.vimeo.com/video/416880218
The pandemic has also created pressure on relationships so more members are requiring family law advice – click here for more details of our services . There has also been a rise in domestic abuse during lock down so we are offering 30-minute free consultations to provide advice and support to members – click here for details of this service.
Contact us today to see how we can help you!
You can contact us in four easy ways:
- Call us for free on 0800 3280394
- Text ‘LEGAL’ to 88440 and we’ll respond to see how we can help
- Email us via: union@watkinsandgunn.co.uk
- Contact your branch secretary Contact us today to see how we can help you!